
Thursday, May 31, 2012


Well I got the first week of my summer markets done. The Saturday market was great! Usually this time of year is pretty slow as the tourists have not arrived yet and it is still cold, but we had lots of people there and I did really, really well. Made me happy. J Now Wednesday’s market was a little different. Not very many people and it was COLD. Cloudy and windy. You know how craft shows are when it is cold……..everyone is cold so they are zooming through, not looking at much and hurrying back to their cars. Well that is the way it was. I sold a few items, but not real well. Hopefully this is not a sign of the summer……cold and windy. Those just stink as we have such short summers up here and then we are back into winter. AHHHHH!
This is my booth area. I worked all winter to make products for it. It is amazing how much time it takes to fill up these booths when you have to make everything.

Took my husband’s cutting boards that he makes and they went like wildfire. I sold them at the Christmas shows last year and they were a hit. He made 20 of them and I sold all 20. I told him during the winter that I needed 50 to start the season so it would get me thru the markets and Christmas…….I think I am going to have to increase my order. We sent 12 to our son for his booth and he has sold most of those, put a few on my website, and have sold 8 in just two markets! Looks like he is going to have to get busy.

Today I am pretty tired as my friend (this is her) and I set up our tents by ourselves and we are just getting too old to be doing all this work. Thank goodness hubbies help on Saturday’s.

Well off to get busy making items to re-supply what I sold. Hope it keeps up. Love the sales.

I am also going to start a Tuesday Treasuries on my blog from treasuries I put together from Etsy. I figured out how to post the treasuries I do on my blog so stay tuned for that.

Hope everyone has a great weekend. I will be off to the market again. J

Thursday, May 24, 2012


Well Saturday starts the summer market season around here. It is a busy time of year around here as the tourist come in and fishing is in full swing. We have two markets every week in the area. One is on Wednesday’s and one is on Saturday’s. The one on Wednesday’s is in the neighboring town and lots of locals go to that one. The Saturday one is at the Visitor’s Center so we get lots of tourist traffic and when they go to the Visitor’s Center the market it set up right there and they come shopping. I mainly have Alaska themed items such as embroidered denim shirts, fleece scarves, pot holders…..that type of thing. Something small they can put in their suitcases and take them home. I have actually had people call me later in the year and order more items which is wonderful!

                                         Fleece scarf with Alaska embroidered on it.

 Well I have everything packed and ready to go. All the tubs are packed; display’s and tables ready and credit card machine checked out. I hope the season is good. Last couples of years the number of tourist have been down, but the so called “experts” have said it is supposed to be up this year. It would also be nice if the weather would cooperate and not be so cold and rainy all the time, but I guess when you live by the ocean that is what you get. Sometimes we have such cold days that we are all sitting in our booths with coats on! One thing tho…..everyone that comes to Alaska expects to be cold and it to rain so they shop anyway. They just get out their rain coats.
             3 of the 8 tubs that I take to the markets! Not including all the display stuff  I take! :)            

So how many of you do summer shows?

New recipe for you too. Sounds good. :)

Thursday, May 17, 2012


So, I decided to add something new to my shops and it has nothing to do with sewing. Actually it is my husband’s handy work.  He loves working in his wood shop and over the years he has built lots of custom furniture and log furniture. Well I do the summer markets locally (which are two a week!) and I wanted him to try to make something that I could have to help fill up my booth space. We were at a large craft show one day and there were cutting boards there and I told him he needed to make those for my booth.
So as usual he just whips something up that turns out great! I started selling them at the end of the summer markets and then on into the fall and Christmas shows and couldn’t keep enough on the table. I was usually sold out within an hour or two of the show opening. I would call him and tell him “get busy we sold out and we need more”. They do take a while to make as there are several steps to them. Everyone he makes is a one of a kind and different design. We have had customers tell us that they are great for serving boards while entertaining or they are too pretty to use and just display them.

 Well I was thinking about adding new items to my shop and thought why not his boards. Granted they have nothing to do with sewing, but for right now and until I can get him his own store set up (oh no! Mine takes so much time as it is!)  I put them on mine. I will be adding several as time goes as he has 50 made already to get me through the summer market season. So be on the lookout for more to be added to our Etsy shop.

I also think I am going to start a Thursday Treasuries for this blog. There are so many wonderful talented artist on Etsy and I LOVE doing treasuries that I thought I might do that. I found a tool to help me load treasuries on my blog, but haven’t checked it out yet. I will work on it. What do you think? Would that be a good idea?

Well I need to get busy and get to sewing. Don’t forget to check out the new recipe. Have a wonderful day! J

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Happy Wednesday to everyone. Hope your week is going well. I am happy to say that I finally finished all my projects for the start of the summer market season! YEAH!! I made it with three weeks to spare! Now I hope the season goes well and is profitable. How many of you do summer shows, festivals, and markets?
Does everyone know what Sunday is?? Yep, that is right……Mother’s Day! I read this poem the other day and I would like to share it with you. It is a cute poem and really brings to light the important meaning of life.

A weary mother returned from the store,
Lugging groceries through the kitchen door,
Awaiting her arrival was her 8 year old son,
Anxious to relate what his younger brother had done.

 “While I was out playing and Dad was on a call,
T.J. took his crayons and wrote on the wall!
It’s on the new paper you just hung in the den,
I told him you’d be mad at having to do it again.”

She let out a moan and furrowed her brown,
“Where is your little brother right now?”
She emptied her arms and with a purposeful stride,
She marched to his closet where he had gone to hide.

She called his full name and she entered his room.
He trembled with fear-he knew that meant doom!
For the next ten minutes, she ranted and raved
About the expensive wallpaper and how she had saved.

Lamenting all the work it would take to repair,
She condemned his actions and total lack of care.
The more she scolded, the madder she got,
Then stomped from his room, totally distraught!

 She headed for the den to confirm her fears.
When she saw the wall, her eyes flooded with tears.
The message she read pierced her soul with a dart.
It said, “I love Mommy,” surrounded by a heart.

Well, the wallpaper remained, just as she found it,
With an empty picture frame hung to surround it.
A reminder to her and indeed to all,
Take time to read the handwriting on the wall.
           Author Unknown

Well I don’t know about all of you, but I had to get the Kleenex box out after I read this. So to all you mother’s out there I hope you have a wonderful Mother’s Day and enjoy your family.  :)

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Well spring finally made it up here to the North Country. Most of the snow is gone and the lakes are beginning to open up for the summer full of fishing and of course “tourist”. I am still working on getting everything made for the summer markets around here. I hope the tourist season is good as so many of the business’ (including me) depend on the summer traffic for most of our yearly sales. I hope the weather is good this year. Last year it rained a lot and was cold so some of the days at the market were pretty miserable.  I hope we have days like this. J

Since spring is here and everyone may be getting their gardens going I thought I would post this article on garden sheds.
A gardening shed is a must have for any avid gardener. Not only does the garden shed in your backyard provide a place for tools such as spades, rakes, and hedge shears, it also provides an opportunity for creative landscaping. Nestle your shed into your landscape and create a charming backyard retreat. Antique signs and tools, potted plants and flowers, along with the traditional shrubs and garden décor are just a few embellishments that can add to a charming garden shed.

Don’t be afraid to think outside of the box with your décor. Crocks, galvanized pails and old washtubs make great flower planters. Prop an old ladder against your shed and add flower pots, birdhouses, or watering cans to the rungs. It will give your display height and additional interest. Storing your garden tools in an old crock or bucket will give you easy access to them when you need them.
Enchance your shed by adding window boxes. Fill them with colorful flowers and trailing vines. If you do not have windows on your shed, you can create a fake window by mounting an old window to the side of your shed painting the glass black.

Concentrate on the landscaping around your garden shed to anchor it and soften the edges. Create displays on each side of your shed for lots of visual appeal. It will keep your guests wondering what is on the other side!
                                                                                                                      Reprinted by permission from The Country Register of Minnesota


So if you are lucky enough to have a garden shed in your garden these are great ideas.  Now all I need is a garden. We have had a spot cleared off for 4 years and you think we can get something planted in there….NOT! Up here most everyone has a greenhouse for most of their gardening as it is too cold for most plants. We have talked about that also….have we done it yet….NO! Oh well we have good intentions.

Have a great week everyone! J

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